Note from the Principal, August 18

Whitesburg Parents and Guardians,

This is the first year that all pieces of legislation related to the Alabama Literacy Act will go into full effect. I wanted all parents to be aware of the following criteria. Currently as stated by the law, students who

  • score at/below the lowest achievement level on the reading subtest of the ACAP Summative Assessment for third grade
  • do not earn an acceptable score on the ACAP Supplemental Reading Test after attending Summer Reading Camp
  • do not meet the requirements in the Literacy Act Portfolio
  • and do not meet one of the Good Cause Exemptions

will not be promoted to fourth grade.

3rd grade students must successfully complete at least one Pathway to Promotion or meet a Good Cause Exemption to be promoted to 4th grade.

There is a link below further down the newsletter that gives you all information regarding the Alabama Literacy Act.

Have a great weekend!

I am blessed to serve with best Whitesburg Elementary Family.


Mrs. Jones