Arrival and Dismissal

Arrival and dismissal will continue to improve and not take as long.  Please be patient while other parents are learning procedures.

  • Please keep line pulled all the way to the front of the awning.
  • As long as the line is stopped, students can get out of the car from the beginning of the awning to the end of the awning. In other words, do not wait until you get to the front of the line for your student to get out of the car.
  • Students should exit the right side of the car. It is dangerous for them to get out on the left side, as there is traffic in the left-hand lane that is going to the office.
  • There are teachers outside that will help students get out of the car if needed. Parents need to stay inside the car.
  • If you are going to the office and in the left lane, please still travel slowly for student safety.
  • You cannot drive on the left-hand lane to the front of the existing right-hand lane to drop your child off. You must stay in the line and wait your turn.
  • Please make sure your child’s teacher know how they are getting home.
  • Students’ transportation cannot change daily. There needs to be one way they are getting home unless there is an emergency.
  • If there is an emergency and you need to get a message to your child’s parent, please get that message to the office by noon. Teachers do not always have time to check messages during the day, as they are teaching.
  • Our car line took 38 minutes the first school day. I promise it will get quicker.
  • You cannot park in the parking lot to walk up with your number to pick up your child.
  • If you are a parent that is actually walking to the school to pick up your child (with your car tag number) you need to wait at the very end of the awning. As I pass you, I will call your number. We cannot have parent/guardians sitting where the students are coming out (this is for their safety).
  • Please make sure your car tag is hanging from your rearview mirror with the number facing out.
  • Some of you are requesting a 2nd car tag. Second car tags are $1 each. Please send your request with $1 to your child’s teacher.
  • If you do not have your car tag number, you will have to go to the office, with your ID, to retrieve your child.
  • Please be at the bus stop when your child is arriving in the evening. For the first week, the bus may be a little late arriving as routes are being adjusted.