Car Tag Information

You must have a dismissal car tag number. Many of you received these at Meet and Greet. If you were not at Meet and Greet, your car tag number will come home with your child on August 2.

Every student must have a car tag number, even if you are a bus rider or walker, as there are times throughout the year that even bus rider or walkers might need to be picked up in the dismissal line.

You must have your car tag number hanging from your rear view mirror (number out) to pick up your child in the dismissal line. If you do not have it, you will need to park, go into the office with your I.D. to get your child. Please know that we do this for the safety of your child.

Since some of you were not at Meet and Greet, you will not have your car tag number on August 2. On that date, I will call the student name. This will be the only date that will happen. If you do not have a car tag number after August 2, you will have to follow directions above for not having your car tag.

Thanks for your understanding.