Note from the Principal, April 14

Whitesburg Parents and Guardians,

Happy Friday!

HCS is continuing to roll out Evolv Technology, advanced weapon detection systems, to provide an additional layer of security to promote the safety of students and staff members. We are subject to have these systems at our school at any time, so we stress the importance of ensuring students are unable to access any items that may be potentially harmful to themselves and to others.

Please speak with your child about the updates below to our arrival procedures in the event we have these systems on campus.

I sent information earlier this week that our scheduled practice dates were April 18-20. However, there has been a change in plans.

District is needing to send needed EVOLV personnel to another school for two weeks, which is changing the rotating schools' schedule.

I will let you know as soon as I get our rescheduled practice dates.

I have still included the below information for when we will be practicing using the EVOLV system.

Drop Off and School Start Times

  • Drop-off times and school start times will not change.
  • Drop off will begin at 7:30 a.m.
  • School will start at 8 a.m.
  • We encourage families to drop off their students slightly earlier to provide them with a few extra minutes to get through the system.
  • Guests will continue to report to the front office.

Where to Enter

  • Car Riders: Enter through the car rider entryway door of the school, as usual.
  • Bus Riders: Dropped off at the usual bus drop-off and will be directed by faculty/staff to the car rider entryway door to enter the building with the car riders.

When Entering the Building

  • Staff members will be on-hand to greet students, as usual, as they enter and request them to remove any laptops and water bottles from their bookbags. (During our practice run, the students will keep their laptops at school.)
  • Students will walk through the Evolv system one at a time at the student arrival doors.
  • While walking through the system, students should hold up their device and water bottle in each hand. (During our practice run, the students will keep their laptops at school.)

We thank you for your support, and we appreciate your partnership in promoting the safety of our students and staff members.

I am blessed to serve with best Whitesburg Elementary Family. Let's make this last nine weeks of school the best ever!


Mrs. Jones