Note from the Principal, March 24

Dear Whitesburg Family,

Happy Friday!

Our EOY ACAP testing begins this next week. Please see below for student test taking tips and the role you can play in this testing. Not only does this test, show what your students have learned throughout the year, it also is a part of our school's State Report Card Grade.

Talking about our school's State Report Card Grade, our daily attendance plays a big part in that grade. As I was signing reports cards this week, I noticed so many students missing way too many days of school. Not only does this affect their education, but it can cause a big decline of our State Report Card Grade. Please work with us to make sure you child is at school unless they are sick.

As you receive this note, you have already seen your child's 3rd nine week report card (or it is hidden in their book bag). Please make sure that you have reviewed the grades and attendance, sign the report card, and send it back to the teacher. I was very pleased at most of the grades coming home. There are a few students who may need to work very hard this last nine weeks of school to ensure they advance to the next grade.

I am blessed to serve with best Whitesburg Elementary Family. Let's make this last nine weeks of school the best ever!

Have a great week!


Mrs. Jones