Principal written on notepad

Whitesburg Parents and Guardians,

Happy Friday!

We have had a great week of learning at the Burg!

I hope this message finds you well, and I want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible week of learning we've had at Whitesburg Elementary. It's been a week of dedication and hard work by both our students and our teachers as we continue our journey towards academic excellence.

As we progress through the school year, I'd like to share some exciting news with you. Although the official state report card grades have not been released yet, we have a projected grade of "B" for Whitesburg Elementary. While this is already a commendable achievement, our goal is to strive for an "A" for the entire school year. To accomplish this, there are several key factors that will play a significant role:

  1. ACAP Assessment Proficiency: Our students will be taking the ACAP assessment in April. Achieving proficiency on this assessment is a critical milestone on our path to an "A" rating.
  2. ACAP Assessment Growth: It's not just about proficiency; we also aim for consistent growth in our students' performance on the ACAP assessment. This growth is a key component in our pursuit of excellence.
  3. Attendance: Regular school attendance is of paramount importance. Consistent attendance ensures that students have the opportunity to engage in the learning process, which is vital for their progress.

One of the valuable tools we use to monitor our students' growth and progress is the iReady program. Each student dedicates at least 15 minutes each day to Reading and Math through iReady. This is not just a routine; it's a crucial part of their educational journey. Based on their beginning-of-year iReady assessments, each student has set typical growth goals and stretch growth goals for the year. The 15 minutes they dedicate each day is a pivotal factor in determining if they are on track to meet these goals. Our teachers closely monitor each student's progression, offering assistance when needed to help them navigate through their standards successfully.

Reaching these typical or stretch growth goals on iReady is not only a milestone in itself but also a predictor of success on the ACAP test in both Reading and Math. The more progress our students make, the closer we get to achieving our overarching goal of an "A" rating for Whitesburg Elementary.

I know that, like us, you share the desire to see Whitesburg Elementary reach the "A" rating. Your involvement and support in your child's education are crucial in achieving this objective. By working together, we can make it happen.

Thank you for being an integral part of our school community, and let's continue to strive for excellence throughout the school year. If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

I am blessed to serve with best Whitesburg Elementary Family.


Mrs. Jones