Photo of a post-it-note with "principal" written on it and other desk supplies

Whitesburg Parents and Guardians,

Happy Friday!

I want to address the recent safety incident that occurred at our middle school earlier this week, as it has understandably raised concerns among our school community. I want to assure you that the safety of our students and staff is our top priority, and I would like to provide some important details regarding the situation.

Several students reported the presence of a weapon on our campus, and I want to commend these students for their prompt and responsible actions in reporting this matter. We take all such reports extremely seriously, and in this case, the student in question was apprehended before the start of the school day.

Our school has established and rigorously follows the necessary safety protocols to ensure the well-being of our students and staff. As a result, the student was promptly removed from the campus to maintain a safe and secure learning environment. I want to emphasize that this incident was resolved before the school day began, ensuring that our elementary faculty, staff, and students were not aware of any unusual occurrences that morning.

We have a strong security presence on our campus with two full-time Campus Security Officers (CSOs) and one full-time School Resource Officer (SRO) who are on duty daily. Additionally, we had the immediate support of other security and district personnel on the scene within minutes of the incident.

It's important to highlight that we are doing everything within our power to keep your students safe while they are at school. We have rigorous safety measures in place, and we continuously review and enhance our security protocols to ensure the well-being of our school community.

Please know that we take any safety concerns seriously and will continue to be vigilant in our efforts to maintain a safe and secure learning environment for all. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to address any issues you may have and to work together to ensure the safety and well-being of our students.

Thank you for your trust and support in keeping our school community safe.

Have a fantastic weekend!


Mrs. Jones