Post it note with "principal" written on it and other desk items

Whitesburg Parents and Guardians,

Happy Friday!

As we approach a season of gratitude, I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation for the incredible support we receive from each and every one of you. Your dedication to your children's education, your involvement in our school community, and your understanding of the complexities we navigate together do not go unnoticed.

Thank you for being therefor your children, assisting them with their studies at home, and providing the support they need to thrive academically. Your involvement in their education makes a significant difference in their learning journey.

Moreover, your support extends beyond the academic realm. Thank you for being there for our teachers, helping with student behavior when needed, and volunteering your time to support various initiatives in our school. Your active participation in our community strengthens the bond we share.

I want to express my gratitude for the positive influence you extend beyond the school walls. Your kind words in the community reflect the collaborative and supportive spirit of The Burg. It's heartening to know that our school community is surrounded by individuals who genuinely care about our students' well-being.

I also want to acknowledge the challenges that can arise, especially when students share their perspectives at home. Your understanding that there are always two sides to a story, and your trust in our ability to navigate these situations, is invaluable. Thank you for not taking to social media to air grievances but instead fostering open communication with us.

Remember, we are a team at Whitesburg, and you are an integral part of that team. Your trust in us with your child's well-being and education is both an honor and a responsibility that we hold with the utmost care.

As we celebrate the season of gratitude, please know that your support is deeply appreciated. Together, we make Whitesburg an exceptional place for our students to learn and grow.

With sincere thanks,


Mrs. Jones