Post it note with "principal" on it and other desk items

Whitesburg Parents and Guardians,

Happy Friday!

Can you believe it is already December! We have one week left before our holiday break. I cannot believe we are already at the end of our first semester.

We have completed our middle of the year math and reading iReady tests. Most of our students showed the growth they should have and met their growth. Of course, there are some who did not meet their middle of the year growth. Please communicate with your child's teacher to find out how they did. They should have at least met 50% of their Typical Growth Score.

We have a lot of activities this next week. Please make sure that you make it out to our K-2 Holiday Program. Our students have worked very hard and it is going to be a great program.

Thanks to our PTA for getting volunteers for our teacher stress breaks and our Lion Shop this week. They were both great successes and we could not have done it without you.

Have a great weekend!

I am proud to serve with you at the Burg!


Mrs. Jones