Post it note with "Principal" on it and other desk supplies

Whitesburg Parents and Guardians,

Happy Friday!

I am thrilled to report that we've had an outstanding first week back to school, and your children have shown remarkable enthusiasm and engagement in their learning.

Coming back midweek has proven beneficial, allowing for a smoother transition and easing everyone back into our school routines. Thank you for your cooperation and support during this initial week.

Next week, we will be conducting practice ACAP tests to gauge our students' academic progress. The real ACAP test is scheduled for March, shortly after spring break. These practice assessments provide valuable insights into where our students stand academically and help us identify areas that may need additional attention.

I want to draw your attention to our school's state report card, which proudly reflects a grade of B. This grade is calculated based on various factors, with student ACAP scores and attendance playing a significant role in the formula. Our teachers work diligently throughout the year to challenge and push our students, ensuring they are proficient in the standards assessed by the ACAP test.

Speaking of attendance, it is crucial to our overall success. I've observed some students with up to 25 absences already this year. According to state guidelines, a student is considered chronically absent if they miss 14 or more days in the school year. Chronic absenteeism has an impact on our state report card grade, and I wanted to bring this to your attention as we aim for the best outcomes for our students.

Your continued support is vital in creating a positive and successful learning environment. Let's work together to make the rest of this school year the best it can be. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for being an integral part of our Burg community and for always supporting our efforts.

I am proud to serve with you at the Burg!


Mrs. Jones