Backpacks in classroom cubbies

Your child needs to have a consistent way home. Their transportation cannot switch back and forth throughout the week. I understand that there are unusual circumstances/emergencies that my come up, but otherwise it needs to be consistent. Changing back and forth daily causes confusion between you, the teacher, the office staff, etc., which could cause a safety issue for your child.

Your child is either a bus rider, car rider, or walker.

Bus Riders

· Students are assigned to a specific bus number and must ride their bus.

· Please remind your child to follow bus procedures for safety on the bus.

Car Riders

· All car rider’s transportation must go through the car rider line.

· Dismissal cars must have a car tag number. Without the number parents must go to the office with their ID to get their child.

· You cannot drop your child or pick your child up in any school parking lot.

· Parents cannot park in the parking lot and walk up to get their children.

These are safety issues. Security will start checking the parking lots during arrival/dismissal.


· Walkers must have a Walker Agreement on file with the school.

· Once Faculty/Staff has walked students to the crossing guard, they become parents’ responsibility.