Post it note with  "Principal" on it and desk items

Whitesburg Parents and Guardians,

Happy Friday!


Color Run: March 20th

Place: WBES Track

Times: Will be announced closer to the date.

All Whitesburg students will be able to participate in the color run if they turn in their permission slip. Without a signed permission slip, we will not allow a student to be at the event.

This is a fundraiser for our school. We are trying to raise money for new resources for classrooms, supplies for students, incentives for PBIS, and many other things that come up throughout the school year. If you or someone you know would like to be a sponsor for the race you can do so through or by contacting Coach Massey ( or Mrs. Jones.

We are asking students to get sponsors for their run that day. If all students could get $100 worth of sponsors, this would be a fantastic fundraiser for our school. Students are also able to purchase t-shirts, sunglasses, color, and other items to have during their race. To ensure students receive their items that they ordered, the order forms and money must be turned in by March 1st.

If your child needs another color run packet, please let their teacher know or have them ask Coach Massey. Parents, grandparents, and any family members or friends are invited to come and enjoy the race with us, but only Whitesburg students will be allowed to participate. We will also be selling concessions and if any items not ordered beforehand are available, those will be for sale as well.

I am proud to serve with you at the Burg!


Mrs. Jones