Photo of a gold crown

Both our iReady and DIBELS (K-3rd grade) begins on April 29. Please encourage your students to do their best on both. This is the last chance this year to show how hard they have worked and learned their grade level standards.

Please make sure they get plenty of sleep and have a good breakfast. Of course, breakfast will be served at school, but some students choose to eat at home.

It is very important they are in attendance and are on time to school.

Please see the iReady Testing Incentives below:

Please make sure that your students know about these testing incentives. Make this an exciting time, stressing the importance of doing their best.

  • King and Queen for highest growth overall in Reading and Math

  • Highest class growth in each grade for reading and Math (If the King and Queen was highest growth for that grade level, we will go with the next highest for this prize.)

  • Teacher with highest class growth in Reading and Math