Principal News

Greetings Lions! We are wrapping up STAR and iReady testing on Monday and Tuesday. Make sure students are at school on time. Please join PTA. We would like 100% participation from all parents. The advisory class with the most PTA memberships will receive a pizza party. This is a great way to volunteer, connect, and build relationships within the school! PowerSchool is now available for parents to view grades. Progress reports come out September 7th. Parents check Schoology weekly to view class assignments and assignment due dates. See the attachment below for instructions to download the Schoology App. Open House is Tuesday, August 29th at 6pm and we will have a Title 1 and PTA Meeting at 5:30pm. Friday is a half-day. Students should be picked up by 12pm. We look forward to partnering with you to ensure your student's success! If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact Mr. King or Ms. Steele.

Respectfully, Mr. King-Principal Ms. Steele- Assistant Principal