Greetings Lions! We would like to congratulate all students who made the track team and we look forward to an excellent season. We will be making some changes to the schedule for next year. Please watch for upcoming changes. Students should choose their electives carefully. Title 1 requires that we notify parents when teachers are alternatively certified or they have not completed their certification process. We do have a few of those teachers; Mr. Brown, Mr. Tuttle, and Ms. Hendley. Whitesburg is looking at the possibility of having an outdoor classroom. If parents would like to volunteer, please email our Curriculum Specialist, Ms. Christy Hayes. Progress reports will be sent home February 9th. Parents, please check powerschool for missing assignments and have students submit their work as soon as possible. We look forward to partnering with you to ensure your student’s success.


Mr. King-Principal Ms. Steele- Assistant Principal