Compliance/Title IX
Compliance ensures the rights of students, employees, parents and the general public by making sure that all of our facilities, programs, and services are accessible to everyone, If you believe you have been denied program access or discriminated against, please contact our department, preferably no later than 60 days after the alleged violation. The Compliance Director will review and respond to all alleged complaints within a reasonable time period.
Huntsville City Schools is committed to rigorous compliance with all aspects of federal and state laws and District policies and procedures. The Compliance Director is responsible for evaluating, planning, implementing and monitoring district-wide programs, policies, and procedures that promote a culture that fosters ethical and compliant behavior.
Compliance exists to ensure the rights of students, employees, parents and the general public by providing physical facilities, programs and services that are accessible.
Any person who believes he/she has been denied program access or otherwise discriminated against is encouraged to contact our department, and/or initiate a complaint, preferably no later than 60 calendar days after the alleged violation. The Compliance Director will review and respond to all alleged complaints of discrimination within a reasonable time period of the written request.
Compliance Information
![huntsville city schools logo](
Dr. Ina Wilson Smith
Compliance Coordinator
Office: 256-428-6807
Location: HCS Annex
Dr. Clarence Sutton
Deputy Superintendent of Learning Supports
Office: 256-428-6970
Location: HCS Annex