Students in front of engine
Digging hole
student holding sea animal
student in metal seat that says space camp
Students sitting watching a Zoom of a cow eye dissection
Students sitting in floor watching presenter
students in hallway dressed as book characters
students sitting in floor with safety goggles
map of us on wall with cars for each class
local author standing in cafeteria surrounded by students
four students playing bowling in cafeteria
Snargg character surrounded by students
three students in safety glasses working on science project
students standing in front of cafeteria holding alphabet cards with pictures
three students standing in front of trifolds and dressed up like influential people from black history
HCS Logo set over blue backdrop
plastic containers sitting on desk holding rocks and landform creations
boys sitting in floor with laptop, paper, and pencil working on project
map on wall with pins and strings showing places postcards were received from
students sitting in chairs on stage while one student stands at mic spelling a word