Constituent Services Form

Please note: this form is used to contact the HCS Board of Education. 
For general district queries, please use the Contact Us Form, instead.


The Board of Education (BOE), as elected officials, acknowledge the need to be of assistance to the constituents of Huntsville City Schools.  The BOE desires to be thoughtful and effective in considering constituent questions and suggestions, and resolving issues brought to light.  To do so, the BOE has put in place this effective means to receive, document, and consider questions and suggestions through constituent services.


  1. Constituents may submit any HCS related question or suggestion by using this online form or paper copies provided at the board meeting.

  2. We will be in contact within a reasonable period of time, typically three business days or as soon thereafter as possible. (Frequently asked questions may be posted on the HCS webpage and/or shared at a subsequent meeting of the BOE.)

  3. Constituents shall return completed paper cards to the basket outside the boardroom when the meeting adjourns.  Only cards that are filled out completely will receive responses. The name and residential street address of the Citizen of Huntsville, AL (or annexed area), parent and guardian of a child enrolled in Huntsville City Schools, or Huntsville City Schools employee, making inquiry must be provided.

This form is no longer used to sign up for Citizen Comments. If you wish to speak at a board meeting, please refer to the Citizen Comments section of the Standing Rules for Board of Education Bylaws which can be found near the bottom of the main Board of Education page.