Dual Enrollment & Early College Program
Huntsville City Schools Dual Enrollment program is committed to preparing students for the future!
It is the goal that through various dual enrollment opportunities students are equipped with skills that will prove to be beneficial in the college and/or career setting. Dual enrollment has been proven to be a cost saving experience that allows students:
To begin college early.
Complete a college degree or certification faster.
Prepare students for college.
A chance to explore college or career choices while in high school.
Dual Enrollment is for high school students who are independent thinkers, committed to completing course work successfully, have a work ethic that includes time management, and who have effective communication skills.
Huntsville City Schools & Alabama A&M announce a new dual enrollment partnership.
Huntsville City Schools establishes incentives for students to engage in dual enrollment opportunities.
Students who participate in the various dual enrollment programs with partnering colleges will have an opportunity to qualify for various scholarships. Scholarship opportunities will be shared as information becomes available.
Alabama A&M University: One course and the corresponding course scholarship commitment through Huntsville City Schools (2023-2024 school year).
Community and Technical Colleges: Workforce scholarships and tuition scholarships available (developed by the Alabama Community College Systems). Calhoun will be offering the Academic Support Scholarship for the upcoming summer and fall semesters (2024) and the scholarship award has been increased to $350 per student, per semester. Students receiving Workforce Funding or other assistance are not eligible for this scholarship. Students who failed to earn a grade of “C” or higher, or who have withdrawn from a previous Calhoun Community College Dual Enrollment class, are not eligible for Dual Enrollment Scholarship funding.
Huntsville City Schools develops college pathway partnership with Calhoun Community College & Columbia High School.
For families of students attending Columbia High School, please contact Ms. Edgecombe to hear about the opportunities for all students.
General Dual Enrollment Eligibility
To qualify, students must:
Have a high school core subjects GPA of 2.5 or higher.
Must be in good standing with HCS’ attendance requirements.
Must be in good standing with HCS’ Student Conduct expectations.
In grades 10-12 for career technical dual enrollment opportunities.
In grades 11-12 for academic dual enrollment opportunities.
Meet all requirements set by the corresponding institutions (academic, conduct, and financial obligations).
General Steps for Dual Enrollment/Early College Registration
Meet with High School Counselor
Complete applicable HCS and/or college forms
Visit the college of choice Dual Enrollment website to complete the appropriate dual enrollment application and all necessary forms.
Contact the college’s Dual Enrollment Advisor to schedule an advising meeting.
*Students may only take one academic dual enrollment course per academic term and must meet eligibility requirements. More than one course per semester (not to exceed six credit hours) may be considered. Students wanting to take more than one academic course will be subject to additional eligibility requirements. Please see your school counselor.
**Students participating in Dual Enrollment must successfully complete college courses to continue each semester. Students who do not successfully complete a college course will be required to not participate for at least one semester.