Desegregation Advisory Committee
DAC applications for the 2025-26 school year are open now through March 21, 2025. Learn more and apply now on the 2025-26 DAC Applications page!
Purpose of the DAC
The purpose of the Desegregation Advisory Committee (DAC) is to advise the Superintendent and to inform the Court about its assessment of the implementation of the terms of the Consent Order. The DAC provides an annual report to the Superintendent by June 1 of each year. Stakeholder feedback about implementation of the Consent Order is gathered at public meetings and by submitting comments to the DAC through the comment section of the Consent Order Webpage. The DAC holds at least two public meetings per year, and meetings are advertised through the district website and other sources such as robo calls and flyers provided to local schools. In addition, the DAC meets with the superintendent once per semester. Agendas and minutes of public and private meetings are provided on the Desegregation Advisory Committee's website, found below.
DAC Website
The DAC holds private working meetings throughout the year, and maintains an independent website. Visit the DAC Website here.
Amendments to Section IX of the Consent Order
On November 16, 2016, the Court entered an Order modifying the Consent Order's Section IX, which governs the Desegregation Advisory Committee ("DAC"). The amendments clarify the role of the DAC and provide new methods for the public to communicate with the DAC. To read the Court's Order, please click the link below:
DAC Superintendent Response
For full DAC Reports for this or other school years, please visit the DAC website documents page.