HCS Welcomes Students Back to School

Huntsville City Schools (HCS) welcomed back more than 23,000 students across the district today for the start of the 2022-23 school year.  School buses rolled out early this morning, car line safety patrol students tossed on their orange reflective gear, and teachers finished making last minute preparations before the first bell rang for the term.

“The first day of school is always one of the most exciting,” says Superintendent Christie Finley, “it’s an exciting day for our students and our parents, but it’s also a day of establishing routines.” Teachers across the district used the day to introduce themselves, classroom procedures and expectations, and to make students feel welcome.

Jones Valley Elementary Principal Crystal Alexander said that “the first day of school has been absolutely amazing,” adding that “everyone’s energy is high and we’re just happy to be back.”


Young female student smiling at the camera on the first day of school

Prior to today, teachers and staff members have spent the last weeks engaging in safety protocol training as well as professional development in preparation for the first semester.  Jemison High Principal Dr. Demetris Leverette said she was excited to see the students come back today and that “wherever they want to be, Jemison High School is here to help them get to that path.”

A continued area of focus this year is on the home & parent relationship. The district encourages families to be active in students’ education by participating in PTA organizations and parent advisory committees.

Additionally, HCS encourages all drivers to slow down in school zones and watch out for both children and crossing guards.  The safety of our students, staff, and faculty is paramount.

It’s going to be a great year at Huntsville City Schools!