CHS Eagle Battalion Participates in Redstone Podcast

Courtesty CSM Nate Bartee

The Eagle Battalion of Columbia High School was invited to participate and take part in the Redstone Arsenal Garrison Command Sergeant Major Podcast. CSM Jimenez took the opportunity to highlight the Columbia High School JROTC program, its cadets, and instructors.

SFC Spears, C/LTC Jennifer La and C/SGM Jayquan Barber participated as Assistant Principal Bridget Mastin witnessed. The cadets started off by giving the Garrison Command Sergeant Major a little background about themselves and what made them want to join the JROTC program before answering questions pertaining to their roles, positions, and responsibilities in the JROTC program and all it entails. The cadets went on to answer other significant and pertinent questions, such as what they would tell a freshman coming into Columbia H.S. about the JROTC program and how they can sign up for the program.

It was a great dialogue and overall wonderful experience for the battalion, who say they were honored to participate and be a part of such a major event!

Columbia Eagle Battalion members pose with CSM Jimenez
Columbia Eagle Battalion members engaged in a podcast with CSM Jimenez