HCS BOE Welcomes District 4 Board Member Ryan Renaud


Ryan Renaud with Christie Finley, Elisa Ferrell, and Michelle Watkins

The Huntsville City Council recently appointed Ryan Renaud to the District 4 seat of the Huntsville City School Board. Today, Mr. Renaud was sworn in by Judge Karen Hall and welcomed by the other members of the Board of Education as well as Superintendent Christie Finley.

Mr. Renaud said that he plans to focus on promoting fiscal responsibility so that educators will continue to have the resources they need to promote student achievement.

'I am very honored and fortunate to serve alongside the other four members of the Board of Education,' said Mr. Renaud, 'we have an incredibly talented team of educators, support staff, and administrators in this system.  I am excited to hit the ground running in order to represent the stakeholders of District 4.'

The next scheduled meeting of the Huntsville City Schools Board of Education will be a Work Session at 6:00PM on Thursday, July 1, 2021.