NCTHS Senior Earns Unique Scholarship

Jaylyn Massanelli, a senior at New Century Technology High School, was presented with a $1,000 scholarship from the School Superintendents of Alabama (SSA) and Curriculum Associates, the Scholarship Program Sponsor.

She is one of only nine (9) SSA/Curriculum Associates Student Scholarship recipients, each of whom intends to pursue a degree in education from one of Alabama's public colleges or universities. These students were selected by the superintendents who were chosen as the district finalists for the SSA/Schneider Electric Superintendent of the Year (SoY) award.  

'We are so grateful and excited that one of our very own students, Jaylyn, who's a student here at New Century Technology, is being awarded this scholarship,' said Superintendent Finley.  As the SoY finalist for 2021, Ms. Finley had the honor of not only selecting Jaylyn but also presenting the scholarship to her.

Superintendent Finley added, 'We hope that she will come back and be one our fabulous teachers and join the Huntsville City Schools family.'

Jaylyn currently works at an area daycare and says that she 'really loves working with the kids, [...] getting to see them grow, and building relationships with students.'  She is majoring in elementary education and plans to attend college right here at the University of Alabama in Huntsville.