GHS JROTC Cadets Sworn Into Service via International Space Station

The U.S. Army Recruiting Command, in collaboration with the nonprofit Space Center Houston, hosted a live oath of enlistment ceremony administered by a NASA astronaut aboard the International Space Station.  Grissom JROTC Cadets Brian Kent and Alandra Herrera were sworn in by U.S. Army Colonel and NASA astronaut Andrew Morgan.  Morgan, currently on the ISS, hosted the swear in service via a live stream from space.  The ceremony was part of a nationwide swear-in held at numerous schools and venues.

Grissom Senior Alandra Herrera admitted she was nervous, but also excited since “it’s the first time this has ever been done.”  Alandra’s plans are to continue her education and make a career out of the Army.  Brian Kent, also a Senior at Grissom, explained that with multiple generations of family members who have served, this was “clearly the next step.”  Brian said he initially thought it would a regular service “but when I heard it was from an astronaut, nationwide, I knew it was a big deal.”

 â€śSpace Center Houston and the U.S. Army have joined together to create a unique experience for youth who will begin their next mission as they pledge their honorable service to the United States,” said William T. Harris, president and CEO of Space Center Houston. “As these young adults announce their commitment to the country, they will hear directly from Col. Morgan on his experience in the Army, life aboard the ISS and his contributions to positioning the U.S. as a leader in space exploration.”